Tips To Getting Natural Looking Eyelash Extensions

If you’ve ever ventured over the line from strip lashes to a more permanent form of extensions, odds are you’ve seen how wrong it can go. Strip lashes are a safe bet. They come in a range of styles, lengths, fiber thicknesses, and different fibers. You can experiment, fail, succeed, decide, and then change your mind again because the beauty of strip lashes is in their impermanency.
However, their impermanency is also their greatest downfall. Because as convenient as it might be to not commit to a lash style for more than a day at a time, eventually, you’re going to get tired of the constant change, and you’re going to want to settle down for a while with a lash you can get along with.
If that’s you, and you’ve been looking into more long-lasting lash styles, you might be a little hesitant to commit full-time to something that will leave you looking less than your natural self. Some lash lovers are big fans of the big, bold, dramatically fanned lashes that dominate any look, and we can’t blame them, but others of you out there are much fonder of the soft, the wispy, the fluttered, and the natural lashes on the market.
Don’t worry, sis! We empathize with your plight to find the perfect lash enhancement that still leaves you yourself in every way —you, just with a little oomph sprinkled on top.
If you’re ready to finally be matched with a long-lasting lash you can really love, look no further than our Intimates Collection™. Intimates Collection™, you say? Yes, we do! And once you dive into this sea of natural beauty, you’ll never want to come up for air.
The “Natural” Choice
The Intimates Collection™ here at Lashify is the ultimate answer to natural lashes. Not everyone in the world of lashes is chasing the over-the-top drama extensions can often provide. Sometimes people just want to sit back and read a book at the park or enjoy a cup of coffee at the local spot down their street without getting full-glammed up to the hilt.
We see you, we hear you, and we want to help you! That’s why we crafted this little smorgasbord of delectable, delicate lashes that will keep you satisfied all week long. Our intimates are also crafted in many style options, just in case one length, curl, or thickness isn’t cutting it for you.
Without further ado, let us present our candidates for the natural choice.
Ash Gossamer® Lashes
The Ash Gossamer® Lash is perfect for the robust strawberry blonde ready to embrace those lovely, autumnal hues. With a soft brown base, these lashes layer intrigue and natural beauty with a smattering of purplish-red undertones. The result is an elegant and delicate personalized lash just for you.
Wear them to the store for a grocery restock or wear them for a night out on the town with all your besties at your side. Just like the rest of your beauty, you wear it how you choose.
Minx Gossamer® Lashes
Like the minx you are, wear your honest colors loud and proud with these Minx Gossamer® Lashes. A subtly rich brown lash, this set is modeled after the luxurious fur of the Minx itself — just without any of the real stuff. We keep it all PETA-friendly here at Lashify.
We like to think animals wear their fur better than people. So honor them instead by boasting this fabulously natural set for any and all occasions! You’ll be looking sinfully like your beautiful self.
Ginger Gossamer® Lashes
Rich in color and light in feel, these Ginger Gossamer® Lashes are a gorgeous solution to your lash needs. Their natural hue is reminiscent of all the spices you crave in autumn and all the picturesque leaves as they tumble to the ground. It’s a favorite time of year for a reason, and if you sport the same colors yourself, you understand why!
Wear them with anything and everything and see firsthand why natural is sometimes all you need.
Truffle Gossamer® Lashes
Lash but not least, our Truffle Gossamer® Lash is here to bring this collection home. These rich, creamy brown and black lashes are so sweet you could almost eat them. Like your favorite dark chocolate candy, the Truffle Gossamer® is a saccharine staple of the Intimates, eliciting the same energy you see in those Dove commercials.
Sweet, elegant, and everything you need in your next set of lashes.
3 Steps to Natural Beauty
As we put on our scuba gear and do a deep dive into Lashify’s naturally formed oceans, we thought it pertinent to compile a few necessary steps to making it all the way down. As pressure increases, so does the need to be cautious, or you could make a simple process riskier than you intended.
Here are the things to keep note of as you begin to apply your new natural lashes:
Apply your bond in the accurate color. Our Whisper Light Bond comes in both clear and black, so when you’re selecting your preferred type, make sure you’re choosing to match your natural lashes.This might not affect darker-colored lashes the same, but the last thing you want is for your strawberry-blond lashes to suffer from the jump because the bond mars your naturally light hair.
Map out your lashes first. You might think that a lash map isn’t as important as it is with a bolder, bigger lash, but that’s where you’d be making a mistake! Lashes will appear natural if you follow the natural lash map your real lashes create.
If you start applying segments willy-nilly, the next thing you know, you’ll have longer lashes itching your inner corners, and your outer corners will look stubby and small because the lash lengths have been mixed up.
Keep your lashes brushed and cleansed. Just like you wash your face and remove your eye makeup daily (hopefully you’re doing this!), the same care should go into your falsies. Even though they look natural, they won’t stay that way if you neglect to cleanse the build-up from them and brush out any clumps. They’ll start looking tatty and gross (or risk infection) fast if you don’t take the time!
The 3 Big Don’ts for Natural Lashes
For as many tips we can give in the affirmative, there are just as many tips for what NOT to do during lash application if you’re after natural lashes. The big ones are as follows:
Don’t pick the wrong lash color. Color is everything when it comes to natural lashes. If you’re a blond applying a deep brown lash, they might look banging, but they won’t necessarily look natural. The point is to add length, curl, and maybe some volume to otherwise demure lashes, not to change them completely. If you’re after that, we’ve got plenty of advice for the big and bold elsewhere!
Don’t go crazy with the length. Again, choosing the right length or volume is vital if you want natural-looking lashes that add a bit of va-va-voom to your face. You can have natural-looking long lashes, but if you go too long, you’ll be left with a similar vibe to a bolder lash, just with your natural color. But if you’re going for that, who are we to stop you?
- Don’t cut or trim the length, either. In a similar vein to the previous, don’t cut the tips of your lash segments to lessen the length. While lashes will grow back on their own, it takes a lengthy amount of time, and they won’t look pretty in the meantime.
Natural lashes taper to points. If you cut those points, your lashes will look blunt and drab, not long and fab. We’re going for long and fab. So if you don’t like the length, get a new one — don’t chop it!
Naked and Natural
And with that, you should be all set with the natural lash curriculum. We always love having students of lash attend our seminars and leave with a book full of info to help them further their lash careers! Nothing brings us greater joy than the growth of our students. The “natural” growth, you could say.
We send you on your way, knowing you now have full access to natural lashes if you accept them. Whether you’re deep diving into the Intimates Collection™ or just looking for ways to better care for an alternative set of our falsies, we hope you’re feeling set to take on any look, event, and occasion.
Natural lashes can be a great segway into the wider world of lashes, so if you find you like the look and feel of lashes like these, you might be well on your way to a long life with falsies in your service. Until you find out, we’re here whenever you need another tip, trick, or lash advice!
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