Lash Education: Night Line Sealer vs. Water Poof

posté par GeriLyn Paguia on 07 February, 2024

Lash Education: Night Line Sealer vs. Water Poof

Now that you’ve become comfortable with applying the Lashify system, you’ll likely want to start experimenting with different products and application methods. One of the most common questions we hear is, “What is the difference between Night Line and Water Poof™?”

Here we’ll talk about the differences between these two products and the ways they can be used! 

Night Line™ Sealer

Night Line™ Sealer 

Night Line Sealer is an optional add-on sealer. It is a black lacquer that can be applied along the Gossamer spines after they have been applied and fused to the natural lashes. Once it dries, it acts like a flexible piece of tape, creating an extra layer of pliable hold. Night Line will also remove any additional excess tackiness that the lashes may have after application. 

Pro Tip: Night Line can also be used as a bond strengthener. A light layer of Night Line can be used in conjunction with Whisper Light Bond™ and/or Bondage® to add strength to your bonding method.

Water Poof™ Sealer

Water Poof™ Sealer

Water Poof is a water-resistant sealer that is included in the Lashify Control Kit. It penetrates your bond, and works from within the bond to help repel moisture and oil. This sealer will also remove any excess tackiness after application. Many users love using Water Poof as their finishing step in their Lashify application.

Pro Tip: Make sure to wipe off excess product from the tip applicator to avoid a white cast after Water Poof dries. You only need a small amount of product!

Which one should I use?

When it comes to choosing whether to use Night Line or Water Poof, it will really depend on your personal eye chemistry, your lifestyle, environment, and personal preference!

Some people love Night Line, others prefer Water Poof, and then there are those that prefer to not seal at all!

When I started using Lashify, I went on a journey to test out all the products and as many combinations I could think of. Every time someone shares a new way to use a product, I continue to test it out for myself to see what happens!

For some users, like me, the method of sealing (or not sealing) can be circumstantial. For example, for most of my regular applications, I prefer to not seal at all! I get great longevity and wear without using any sealers! Because I change my sets often, I find that simple applications are all I need.

If I do choose to seal, I usually reach for Night Line first (this is completely my personal preference). If I know I’ll be wearing a set for an extended amount of time, or if I plan on being extra-active during the week, I may use Night Line to make sure that I have a little extra hold to get me through my activities.

Check out this video on how to use Night Line:

Others prefer Water Poof to Night Line. Those with watery eyes or oily skin or lids may find that Water Poof ensures that they achieve the wear they are looking for. This may also be the case for those who go swimming, live in humid climates, or tend to have sweaty workouts.

Check out this video on how to Seal with Water Poof:

The best approach to Lashify is to experiment and see how different methods work for you, and you’ll be able to tailor the Lashify system for exactly what you need whenever you need it!

For more tips and tricks from both the Lashify Team and the Lashify community, join the Lashify Life Facebook Group!

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