Client: Sue Smith
Member of Lashify Life since: June 8th 2020
Top 3 Favorite products: Pre-Cleanse, Black Magic Cleansing Puff, and the Precision Lash Comb
Favorite Bonding Technique: The Lockdown Method
Typically wear lashes for: 4-5 days purely because I love to customize my look

Lash Map: Stardust 14, 16, 16, 16, 18, Stacked Stardust 16, 18, 18
Hello, Hello, Hello! Sue here from the UK. With 52 years under my belt, I’m singing from the rooftops about my very own Lashify journey. Grab a cuppa, pull up a chair while I tell you how Lashify “crept up on me"!
In the Lashify Life Facebook Group, I’m known by some as the one with the purple hair or by having a very invested Lashi-husband! From holding my phone whilst I was in a Zoom chat with other Lashifiends, to helping me create video clips for new Gossamer® lash drops, and of course our dancing, and fun and games, we posted in the Group. He even made me a Lashify rug! He was clearly very invested so early on. We’ve certainly had quite a chuckle along the way. Here’s where I must add a hands up to all our significant others - I thank you for your patience!
Lash Map: Extreme 10, 12, 14, 14, Starburst 16, 16
Cast your minds back to the dreaded year of 2020… Covid hit. Beauty treatments stopped and everything changed. My beloved lash extensions, that I thought were the bees’ knees, ceased. I had taken a lash extension course the year before so I continued to add to mine for a short while. The strong bond always somewhat bothered me. I knew the chemicals in there were harsh, and I loathed what it was doing to my own lashes. So much so, I even reconsidered offering lash extensions as a service.
An advertisement on Facebook popped up, I clicked on it and watched with disbelief! “These things can’t be that easy to apply,” I said to myself, “ way!” I couldn’t even add strip lashes without gluing my own lashes together, so I had no hope of mastering this system, or so I thought. I wanted… needed something to hide my stubby, short, sparse lashes that were once so naturally long. However, I still scrolled on by...
A few days later I came up on another ad, this time with the presence of a person that kind of captured that moment in time. The CEO, founder, and creator of this fine system. Her energy was gripping and her honesty refreshing. However, it was her passion for this product that just got me hooked right away. I knew I needed this in my life! A few days later I realized, Lashify was now creeping into my thoughts that little bit more! I started looking for the Lashify ads, as I trusted this person & her product... very odd.... huh? How could I? I knew nothing about her. But what I saw was enough for me, I ordered!
With my Control Kit on its way, I joined the Lashify Life Facebook group, and that was just the beginning of something wonderful that will stay with me forever. New amazing friendships were made, as we all came together over the love of Lashes. I know it sounds ridiculous, but that’s exactly what happened. My Lashify journey started in July/August 2020 and #morethanjustlashes was born. I believe they say “the rest is history”.
Lash Map: Starburst 12, 14, 14, 14, 14 slightly overlapped
I enjoy the interaction on the Facebook group. The Lashifiends (name given to the members of the group) are all so empowering. Most of the time it’s full of incredible people sharing wonderful lash maps. When I hear someone say “I’m so nervous” or “what do I do?”, I say, "just enjoy, play, and just get on with it!” For some it will take trial, error, patience. Keep playing, they’re just too darn fabulous to give up on!
When it comes to the lashes, I’m a volume gal. I have hooded eyes & suffer from watery eyes, so I never thought I’d master longevity. But with good preparation, good lighting, good placement, and the bonding technique that suits your eye chemistry, you’re there! My once sparse, stubby lashes grew with the nourishing oils in the remover & the nourishing ingredients in the bonds. I am whole again!
Lash Map: Gemini 12, Plushy 12, 12, 14, 14, 14
My top three favorite products are Pre-Cleanse, the Black Magic Cleansing Puff, and the Precision Lash Comb. Pre-Cleanse is fab! I love to use it as a cleansing water for my face & to clean around my lashes with a cotton bud. It’s so refreshing. It's the way to remove any oils or makeup prior to applying lashes. I wear my Gossamer lashes for about 4-5 days purely because I love to take them off and give my lids a good clean. Plus I just love creating these fabulous, customized looks. Now my lashes are the bee’s knees!!
I am one who prefers to mix the Gossamer lash styles, sizes, and lengths. I love how I am in charge of my lashes. I can just remove them when I feel the need. If I’m a bit under the weather, I sometimes want them off, and I can do that! Although I’m never without them for long though. My favorite bonding technique is the Lockdown Method. This method includes light layers of bond allowing each layer to get tacky. Fusing...make sure you are actually fusing the spines and not missing them. Sounds simple but many fuse above or just miss sections, which causes problems with longevity.
Lash Map: Extreme 10, Extreme Ice 13, 14, Gemini 14, Extreme Ice 16, Extreme Ice 18
Lash Map: Truffle Fluffy 10, 10, Chocolate Fluffy 12, Truffle Fluffy 12, 12, Stacked Chocolate Stardust 14, 16, 16
My love for Lashify shines, so much so that I’ve been with pals that often compliment my lashes. And then it just comes over me… I embark on sharing the lowdown of my Lashify Love. They just grin. I know you all can relate to that. In addition, there is Sahara’s love of the four legged family. That is another huge plus, as we have our own fur babies.
I could not live without the creative wonder that is Lashify - well, I’m just not going to.
Love & Lashes,Sue xxx